Brave Academy
The goal of the Brave Academy Program is to teach children the importance of standing up for themselves and recognizing dangerous situations. Bullying is widely recognized as a serious problem with varying solutions. We hope to build a growing archive of resources, skills, and a safe place for both children and parents to communicate about the issues involving bullying.
Personal safety has always been a benefit of training in martial arts but learning to defend physical attacks is the last resort. Learning to recognize dangerous situations and how to talk about those situations to trusted adults is an important step in staying safe.
The Brave Academy goes hand-in-hand with the discipline of training in martial arts with a willingness to listen and offering a safe place.

Students will learn:
- To recognize different types of bullying (physical, verbal, social, cyber, etc.)
- To not become a bully and stopping bullying at its core
- How to build confidence and self-respect
- How and when to use martial arts skills

Child Safety
Students will learn:
- To recognize their safe adults
- Online safety
- To develop and trust good instincts
- General safety skills like when to call 911 and what to say